X-ray and Dictionary

Now you can read smoothly without getting hung up on a word you don’t know or a character you can’t remember. Just tap to learn about words, people, places, and events within your book as you read.

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Search within your book

When you want to jump to a specific place, Kindle makes it easy to search for words or terms inside your book—and you can just hit the back button after you're done so you never lose your place.


Explore your book with X-Ray

X-Ray makes it easy to keep track of characters, places, and events in your book. So, if you come across a name you can’t remember—say, Francesco Melzi in Walter Isaacson's Leonardo da Vinci— just tap it and we'll remind you who he is.

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X Ray

Wikipedia lookup

When you come across a concept, event, or person you don't know, you can quickly look up dictionary definitions and Wikipedia references right from your book. Just press and hold a word, then release to see the Wikipedia entry

Requires connection to a wireless network.

x ray

Dictionary lookup

When you come across a word you don't know, you can quickly look up dictionary definitions right from your book. Just press and hold a word, then release to see the definition.


  • x-Ray and Dictionary